Peel Regional Police held their second annual Auto Theft Summit in Mississauga, on March 20, 2024. The UCDA was invited to attend the full-day summit, along with auto manufacturers, insurance sector representatives, advocacy groups, and government officials. The event was also live-streamed on YouTube.
The summit explores practical solutions to the challenges this crime poses to law enforcement, industry stakeholders, and car owners.
Thieves are motivated by high vehicle prices, with large profits for organized crime. Increasingly, violence has become part of the crime, with car-jackings and home invasions.
Local Police forces believe arresting the thieves is only part of the solution. Stolen cars are often sent to ports to be shipped out of the country, requiring multi-jurisdictional and international cooperation and response. Law enforcement, Federal, Provincial and foreign governments, auto manufacturers, the insurance industry, the aftermarket industry, must all contribute to solve the auto theft problem.
You can find the recommendations from the Summit here.